Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to plant tomatoes in a poly bag

How to plant tomatoes in a poly bag.
Tomato plants can grow well in a variety of media such as open land, hydroponics, Garden viticulture and the media pot or poly bag. On this occasion we will elaborate on how to plant tomatoes in a poly bag. If you want to know the tomato farming on a large scale in open land read general guidelines the cultivation of tomatoes.

The selection of the type of plant
In General, people discern the shape of the tomato fruit. There are four classes of tomatoes that are widely circulated in the market that is, (1) Tomato tomato fruit or granola, the shape is rounded out with baselay it down (2) oval shape, bare Tomato usually used as raw materials, (3) sauce Tomato vegetable, The hard texture it feels like little sour cherry Tomatoes (4), the shape of a small sweet wryly.

How to plant tomatoes in poly bag is not difficult. The first step select the type of tomato and varieties that will be planted. Customize the location where the cultivation with varieties of tomatoes that will be selected, especially for climatic conditions and altitude of the place.

For maximum results, use seed from a trusted source. Tomato seeds from many different varieties available in stores. Description of the properties of plants can be read on the label provided in the packaging of the seed.

How to plant tomatoes in poly bag preferably through stages of seedbed first. Seed in the form of seeds should be poured into seedling plants. This step is necessary because the new seed to grow requires different treatment with plants that have grown large.

Prepare the seedbed and media places ESP. in the past. Select where the seedbed sheltered from rain and sunlight directly. Media the seedbed can be manifold, please read how to make the media the seedbed for hortikuktura.

Form the seedbed can be for dike wall, shelf, or poly bag for. For the seedbed with dike wall, create the array's above the dike wall with a depth of 1 cm and distance between lines 5 cm. And then planting tomato seeds in each of the lines at a distance of 3 cm, cover the surface and flush to taste.

To propagate the use of poly bag, fill in the ploybag with the media to propagate. When no polybag can use banana leaves. Then immerse tomato seed as deep as 1 cm into the media. Then cover the surface and flush to taste. Any poly bag filled a single seed.

After the seed being poured, do the watering every 2 times a day with a smooth soil. Take care when watering, do not damage the surface of the seedbed.

Additional fertilizing can be given after two weeks with liquid organic fertilizer, compost or fertilizer NPK. Other treatments that should be done is weeding. Do not let weeds grow in

nursery area. Plant seed tomatoes ready moved from a place to propagate into the poly bag after 30 days, or already have at least 5 strands of leaves.

Transfer the tomato seedlings.
Before the seedlings were transferred, prepare planting media and poly-bag. The contents of the polybag with soil, compost, and husk charcoal with a comparison of the 2:1: 1. For more details see the how to create a planting medium for a poly bag.

There are two ways to plant tomatoes from place to propagate into the poly bag. First, move the seedlings with a revoked. The trick, flush the seedbed with water in order to embed media into software. Then unplug your plants with care not to plant roots severed or damaged. Then enter the plant is upright on the planting hole that exists in poly bag. The position of the roots should be perpendicular to the twisted or folded. Adjust the depth of the planting hole in accordance with the length of the root.

Second, move the seedlings with playing. How tomato plants was made with existing media around them. For seedlings from dike wall, 10 cm deep  plants with shovels or hands.

Then lift up and move here with their land.
For seedlings in a polybag for, RIP or pull plastic poly bag for later transferred along with their land into larger poly bag. Polybag for of plastic can be used over and over again.
Maintenance and care
Maintenance of the tomato plants in a polybag or pots are relatively easy. Plant health is more more controlled because of the transmission of the disease through the roots. Keep the planting medium is not too dry.

Flush at least 2 times a day, but don't be too wet to avoid rotting roots.

Look after weeds found in poly bag regularly. If there are plants that are wilted or dead, unplug it immediately and dispose of his planting media so as not to infect other plants. Other necessary care is pruning the buds and the giving of the marker as the underpinning of the plant.

Mulch plants after one week with compost as much as one handheld to any poly bag. Do the addition of compost every month, or when the plant look less lush. When your plants will bear fruit fertilizer can be added or liquid organic fertilizer.
Tomato plants peyakit pests and pretty much. When you look there is a pest attack, grab the pest manually. Discard the leaves or stems that are damaged hit by pests. Spraying should be done when absolutely necessary. To make it more safe for health and the environment using a more natural organic pesticides. Please read how to make organic pesticide.
Tomato plants in a polybag can already harvested after 3 months, depending on the varietasnya. The criteria of tomatoes ready for harvest is that changes color from green to yellow-brass or the edges of the leaves look dry and yellowed stalk. Picking is done on the fruit has matured only.

Tomatoes were not ripe simultaneously. Picking is done every 2-3 days once, don't be too tightly to avoid damaging the plants. Picking the best time in the morning and late afternoon, when the Sun does too. Such a short blurb calm how to plant tomatoes in a poly bag.

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