How To Stage A Good Tomato Cultivation And Correctly Complete
Here Are The Stages – Stage In Tomato Cultivation
Terms Of Grow
1. Climate
Tomato plants can grow well in the Highlands and the lowlands, depending on variety. Tomato plants can grow well on a plateau more than 700 m, the medium dpi 200 m – 700 m dpi, and the lowlands of less than 200 m above sea level.
Temperature factor can affect the color of the fruit. At high temperatures above 32 ° C tomatoes tend to be yellow, while the color temperature the fruit tends to be uneven anyway. The ideal temperature that influence both on the color Tomato is between 24 ° C – 28 ° C generally uniform red.
A State of high temperature and humidity, unfavorable influence of growth, production and quality of tomato fruit. relative humidity required for the tomato plant is 80%. Tomato plants need sun light intensity on lack of 10-12 hours per day (Sastrahidayat. 1992).
2. Land
Tomato plant is a plant that can grow all over the place, from lowlands to Highlands (mountain) for good growth, tomato plants need loose soil, acidity pH 5-6, among other things, the soil contains little sand, and many contain humus, as well as regular irrigation and planting to harvest enough of the plant starting from.
Based on the type of growth, the tomato plants are distinguished from the type of determinate and indeterminate. Type of determinate tomato plant has a vertical stem growth patterns is limited and ends with the growth of vegetative organs (root, stem leaves).
While the tomatoes are indeterminate types have the ability to continue to grow and there are bunches of flowers at the end of each book, and there's always the young shoots of plants, flowers Manifold tomato plant with five petals of two green and two feathered Crown (Hery Tugiyono, 2002).
Fertilization occurred 96 hours after pollination and fruit ripening 45 days to 50 days after conception. The percentage of self pollination in plants of tomato is 95%-100%.
Stages – Stage In Tomato Cultivation
4. Persemaiaan tomato seeds
Martha should be planted tomato seeds before planting. The seedbed is done in the nursery (tray), the seedbed soil is a mixture of media, rice husk, and horse manure in the ratio 1:1: 1. Seedlings planted into nursery box (tray), the seed is maintained until the age of 25-30 days after planting some of the requirements for the implementation of a good seedbed is:
The disemaikan usually plants that are weak, not strong if planted directly in place.
A special form of sowing place dike wall, given the peneduh roof to prevent rain damage to the outpouring of seed is still weak
The place of the seedbed should be safe from impaired animals
Watering is done by using a Hand Sprayer.
The new plant should be moved to a place of cultivation occurring in airy after strong enough
It's good when seeds first moved to the polybags, wait when planted in place of cultivation occurring.
tillage for processing tomato plants was include cleansing the land of
piracy or pencangkulan and manufacture of dike wall. To get good results with the aim of:
The roots of the plant parts that are present in the soil can grow more perfect.
Weeds can be controlled growth.
The air circulation more easily and broadly, thereby causing food substances in the soil can be more perfect
Excessive water dapatb easily percolate or evaporate.
Plant roots can penetrate the soil more easily and deeply. (Canisius 1992).
5. Cultivation of organic and Non-organic Fertilizers.
The fertilizer is given by means of enclosure on the land leveled. In addition to manure can increase soil biological properties can also increase the chemical and physical properties of the soil, manure also needs to be given to plant vegetables that consume a lot of nitrogen so important kuantita nitrogen consumed in the vegetative phase.
the application of organic fertilizers SP 36, ZA, Kcl with a 1:1 comparison: ½ for penyanter vegetative plants, methods of fertilizing with leveling the bed with a distance of 1 m and is given per 100 g.
6. Planting
When land or land is ready, then the seedlings can be planted immediately. To note in the planting and planting time is the distance of the planting. Planting time is closely related to climate. There are plants that are suited to planted in the rainy season, while the distance that is adapted to the morphology of plants and soil fertility.
Set the distance means giving the same scope of life/uniform for each plant. By setting the trunks will be retrieved row crops on a regular basis making it easy in the management of the next crop.
Seedlings ready to plant roots and their dipersemaian revoked if the seedlings come from a nursery or plastic tray 25 – 30 days after planting the seed directly planted in holes with a distance of 70 x 60 cm.
When to plant the seeds of cultivated tomato plants do not touch the ground, so the plant does not rot and diseases caused by exposed land due to impurities, the best time to plant tomatoes is 2-4 weeks before the last rain.
Planting is done in the afternoon so the plants won't wither and can adapt to the cultivated land.
7. Watering
Plant watering vegetables much need water just like any tomato plant, vegetable leaves contain a good watering time ± is in the afternoon to know that the intention of watering are:
Replace the water that has been evaporated during the day;
Restoring the power plant at their plant in night day;
The addition of the plant against water shortages.
Watering should be done with caution, and not cultivated or not to the leaves as the plant will ease suffering from illnesses such as viruses. Watering is done using tools such as the compiler of the hose and is conducted in the afternoon to reduce evaporation.
the stitching is
8.The new tomato seeds in planting, either through direct or nursery was planted not everything can grow and persist into adult plants some of them should die one way to cope is to do the stitching.
The trick when tomato plants aged 7-14 days after making the replacement of dead seedlings with new seedlings and seeds taken from earlier or the seed that was planted with an interval of 7-14 days from the initial seeding.
If in the third week after planting the seeds still found dead don't need to do a stitch, because the stitching at the age of more than three weeks, will yield a crop growth and harvest age not uniform so that it will be difficult for planting.
9. Weeding/Pembumbunan
Weeding to be done when it appears that the weeds have grown that interferes with the growth of the plant. Usually weeding implementation coupled with pembumbunan the soil around the plant. Weeding can be done 2 or 3 times or in accordance with the conditions of the field. Weeding is done by hand and using a hoe or kored.
Tomato is a tropical vegetable belonging to the family Solanaceae. The ripe fruits are used as vegetable, salad, soup and in the preparation of sauce, jam and ketchup. The fruit is a rich source of vitamin A and C.