Requirements grow tomatoes in tomato cultivation that should be noted is the first look at a suitable place to plant tomatoes. Weather in planting tomatoes requires annual precipitation totals between 100-200 mm/rain. With a height of 100 – 1000 above sea level as well as getting enough sun light. A suitable place to plant tomato cultivation or is in a cool place at foot of mountain or mountain in area and hills. As well as provide enough waters in order to balance the moisture needed by tomato plants.
After growing requirements and is suitable for cultivation, the next process that is preparing to land. Prepare land and then clear the land in a way hijacked to land then clean the soil. The following explanation in detail:
1. once the land is ready and it has been cleaned and in make a dike wall with 30 – 60 cm in height, with a 100-130 cm wide, and create a trench or distance dike wall with a distance of 20-60 cm.
2. give manure fermentation on land that's been hijacked ranges between 35-40 tons/Hectare, stir it evenly with soil that has already made the dike wall.
3. Do not forget to add the lime on dike wall did land before the dike wall covered with Black plastic mulch, provide as much as 100-200 kg/dike wall, according to needs and the length of the dike wall of Moses or the rollers in order to maintain the stability of the land contained in the PH.
4. After the giving of the fertilizer and chalk completed tip dike wall with black plastic.
5. After having closed the hole in the dike wall provided with depth reaching 60 cm and the distance between the plant reaches 60-70 cm.
6. then installed stick in order to assist the process of the growth of tomato plants.
The way of Cultivating Tomato next, Before breeding begins in advance you do the seeding on seed tomatoes. Make a House a seeding place or protected from direct sunlight, here we review the way the seeding in detail so that the process of seeding run in either.
1. combine the ground that will be used with manure comparison with 2-to-1, mix until evenly distributed.
2. Enter the land that is already mixed the fertilizer into polibeg or plastic.
3. Prior to seeding the tomato seeds first soak up to 6-7 hours, then drained. so the seed is nice and fast growing seeding process soak using water already mixed with Fungicides with a dose of the most lace.
4. once all is ready then the process of seeding is done, put the seed into the poly bag or stocking the place seed that is already provided.
5. then close the gunny sack using meetings, try to remain in a State of moist so that the process of seed being sprouted fade fast.
6. open the sacks of burlap on the cover of the media is when the seed has already started to grow.
7. When the already growing and media using plastic cover so that it can be opened and closed in order to provide the needed water the seeds
8. open the plastic cover on the media for at 07.00-09.00 and 15.00-17.00 hours in order to obtain the required sun light seed crops, do every day up to 6 days before planting.
9. Do the spraying fungicide on the 6th day before planting tomato plants seeds in order to get the reinforcement process of planting time, with the lowest dose, seek land do not too wet when spraying.
10. once the seedlings have four tomato plant leaves of tomato seedlings could be moved to the larger media or cropping land
Process or how the next tomato cultivation after seeding process running smoothly, tomato seedlings can be transferred to media or planting land, do the planting in the morning or in the afternoon so that the seeds are moved are not subjected to withering. Insert the seedling into the hole that you have prepared and then close the hole and do not forget to provide the manure in the pit and provided watering.
These kinds of diseases on tomato plants are generally caused by bacteria by causing tomato plants wither and see death. This disease attacks generally occur when a new tomato plants grown on the farm fields until the harvest arrives. How to combat by spraying Fungicides on the plant, with a dose that has been determined.
usually at the age of 7 days after planting the lowest dose required dosage that is ½ dose. the larger the tomato plant then the greater the dose of usage at the plant. Read the rules of use
fungicide found on packaging label.
When the tomato cultivation way above is executed properly, step into the process of harvesting. The process of harvesting on tomato plants generally takes 60 days after planting to 70 days of age. The process of harvesting on tomato plants through some stages. The first stage of the tomato crop is ripe, let the tomatoes are still green or ripe so as not yet harvested. The second stage of harvesting when the fruit was once the Green within 4-7 days is ripe and ready for harvest. Do routinely every day, so when the process of harvesting is done when the afternoon so that when marketed tomato still in fresh State and has a higher selling price.
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