Tomato Fruit benefits For human health.
Tomato fruit has many benefits for the health of the human body. As many types of fruits that contain beta carotene, the benefits of tomatoes the most perceived as a source of vitamin namely, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A.
In addition there is still a myriad of benefits of tomato fruit in terms of health. Tomatoes contain high fiber and biotin. These substances are very useful for people who are dieting, either to lose weight or maintain body fitness.
In addition to food, the benefits of tomatoes can also be used for beauty treatments. Tomato fruit used as masks to embellish the facial skin and eliminate acne. In addition it is also used for hair care.
Description of tomato plants
Tomato plants originating from the region of Central and South America. Its spread began in the era of the nation burned Spain over that area. Tomato spread to Europe and Asia.
Tomato plants can grow well in the lowlands with elevations of 200-500 metres above sea level. However, for optimal results, it is usually cultivated in the Highlands above 900 meters above sea level. Too cold temperatures below 13 degrees Celsius can lower production, while high above the outrageously temperature 32 degrees Celsius could hinder pollination and fertilization so that the fruit is not formed.
Tomatoes have shapes that vary depending on the varietasnya. There is a circular, oval or elongated sizes vary. Most small tomatoes weighs approximately 8 grams per piece, while large-sized can of up to 180 grams. The colour of the fruit is also diverse, tomatoes that have matured there are colored yellow, Orange to red.
There is a lot of variety of plant varieties of tomatoes, anyone can grow on to old and reaches a height of up to 2 meters. Types of tomatoes are called indeterminate type, varietasnya bare, Santa, Belgium, apples.
There is also a type of determinate, where the high will stop at a certain height. These varieties include Oval, Ratna, diamond and diamond.
The benefits of tomatoes for the body
Substances that are instrumental in maintaining the body's health is an antioxidant. Tomato fruit has many antioxidant content useful for body health, some of which are:
a. Cardiovascular
The benefits of tomatoes in the cardiovascular system is related to the two functions of the anti oxidants and mengatir regulation of fat substances in the bloodstream. Antioxidants and cardiovascular system are indispensable tissues of blood circulation.
One of the antioxidant that has a major role is lycopen. These substances help to lower the concentration of lipids in the blood. The concentration of lipids is a process in which fat is contained in the membrane of cells lining the blood vessels. This damage can be repaired with the right kind of antioxidant.
Other tomatoes benefit for heart health is the total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, the intake of tomatoes can also lower the excessive clotting platelet cells.
This clotting can cause clotting and blockage. Prevention over clotting is important for heart health.
b. the Anti Cancer
The benefits of tomatoes to prevent cancer are already widely known. Although there has not been more specific descriptions against the type of cancer. The content of an anti oxidant and anti inflammation found in tomato fruit identified as substances that play a role in treating and lowering cancer risk.
So far, the tomato fruit as a food that could lower the risk of prostate cancer because of the type of substance alpha-tomatine content. These substances have been shown to trigger cell death apoptosis in cells
prostate cancer.
In addition, alpha tomatine are also useful to suppress the growth of lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.
c. bone health
Benefits of tomato fruit for bone health is demonstrated in a recent study that lycopen contained in tomatoes play an active role to keep the bone tissue. Lycopen is antioxidants can lower the level of oxidation on the
bone. In other words, lycopen prevent bones brittle.
Tomato consumption is recommended for people who have experienced a decrease in bone mass such as osteoporosis or women who experience menopausal. To get a sufficient amount of lycopen, get consumption of roughly two glasses of tomato juice every day.
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